Last updated: 02/26/2024

THIS TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is a legally binding agreement between Leap Infinity LLC (DBA Sensational Design), a company organized under the laws of Michigan ("Sensational Design"), and the client, whether personally or on behalf of an entity ("Client"), concerning the access and use of Sensational Design’s website: (the "Website") and any related media form, channel, mobile website, or mobile application connected thereto. Non-agreement or failure to comply with all terms, conditions, and obligations herein results in an immediate prohibition of the Client's use of the Website, requiring the Client to cease use forthwith. The cessation of use terminates the relationship between Client and Sensational Design, except for the Client’s ongoing obligation to pay for any services rendered.

1. Intellectual Property Rights

The Website and all its contents, including but not limited to source code, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics (collectively, "Content"), along with the trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein ("Marks"), are owned by Sensational Design, protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. The Content and Marks are provided for your personal use only and may not be used commercially without Sensational Design's express written consent.

2. Ownership of Materials

All design and original source files created for the Client ("Projects") are the Client's property, with copyright belonging to the Client. In any case where law attributes ownership of a Project to Sensational Design, the company irrevocably assigns all interests in the Project to the Client. The Client guarantees that all materials provided for project development are rightfully owned and do not infringe on third-party rights.

3. Third-Party Fonts

If a Project includes commercially licensed fonts not owned by Sensational Design ("Third-Party Fonts"), the Client will be notified and required to obtain necessary licenses. Sensational Design disclaims responsibility for legal consequences due to unlicensed use of Third-Party Fonts by the Client.

4. User Representations

By using the Website, the Client confirms they have the legal capacity to agree to these Terms and will not use the Website for unauthorized or illegal purposes, in violation of any laws or regulations.

5. Prohibited Activities

The Client is prohibited from misusing the Website, including but not limited to unauthorized access, data retrieval, security bypass, illegal linking or framing, deception, interference with Website operations, and any activity intended to harm Sensational Design or other users.

6. Feedback

Any feedback or suggestions from the Client becomes the sole property of Sensational Design, which may use it without obligation for confidentiality, permission, acknowledgment, or compensation.

7. Management and Oversight

Sensational Design reserves the right to monitor the Website for compliance, take legal action against violations, restrict access, or disable Client's use of the Website at its discretion, without notice or liability.

8. Privacy Policy

Use of the Website implies agreement with Sensational Design's Privacy Policy. Client consents to data transfer and processing in the United States and acknowledges that the Website does not solicit information from individuals under 18.